Pack Trip Types

Call us to book 775-450-0014

Spot Pack

Spot pack trip into the Eastern Sierra near Bridgeport CA by Leavitt Meadows Pack Station

You are taken by horseback, your gear and provisions by pack animal, to a desirable campsite on a lake or stream. The packer and stock then return to the Pack Station. You are picked up on a predetermined date. This trip is desirable because you are able to camp with much more equipment than what you would be able to backpack in with. You are expected to furnish all your own camping equipment and food. The duration of your stay in the backcountry is up to you.

A deposit per guest will be required at the time of reservation. We look forward to serving you!

Backpacker Drop

Backpacker Drop pack trip into the Eastern Sierra near Bridgeport CA by Leavitt Meadows Pack Station

You are taken by horseback, your backpack by pack animal,to a desireable campsite on a lake or stream. The packer and stock then return to the Pack Station. At that point you are on a regular backpacking trip, carrying your own gear around the mountains, and returning to the Pack Station at your convenience.

A deposit per guest will be required at the time of reservation. We look forward to serving you!

Dunnage Drop

Base Camp pack trip into the Eastern Sierra near Bridgeport CA by Leavitt Meadows Pack Station

Your gear will be dropped off and/or picked up at a location of your choice. You will hike to your destination. This is perfect for backpackers that no longer want to be encumbered with a heavy pack the entire trip. We can get you further faster so you can expand your travels in the same amount of time.

This is also a perfect option for hikers. Enjoy the scenic hike, take your time and save yourself from the wear and tear of hauling your gear. Let the pack mules do the heavy lifting. Your gear will be transported to any of the locations we service.

A deposit per stock animal will be required at the time of reservation. We look forward to serving you!


All riders must be at least 7 years old.

Fully clothed, a female rider's Body Mass Index (BMI) may not exceed 32 and the BMI for a male rider may not exceed 34. In addition to the BMI restrictions, a rider's overall weight may not exceed 250 lbs. A person's overall weight AND their height to weight ratio directly affects their ability to safely ride a horse in mountainous terrain. Check your BMI by clicking here.
All trips are subject to extreme weather/environment cancellations.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.